
Deepening the National Conversation on Race with Dr. Shakti Butler : Cracking the Codes We need to talk:  Devastating racial inequity persists in the U.S.

Race, more than any other demographic factor, determines levels of individual educational achievement, health and life expectancy, possibility of incarceration, and wealth in the U.S.

The conversation on race is shallow  and remains focused on individuals.  It stops us from talking. It freezes our capacity to connect and act across crucial racial divides. If not interrupted, it is a system that is endlessly self-perpetuating.

What if we deepen the conversation?
A Cracking the Codes film/dialogue event sets the stage for transformation in classrooms, conference rooms and communities by unpacking the system of racial inequity and enabling people to—finally—talk about it.

Talking about race opens the way for institutional change. Authentic dialogue is a critical component of any equity effort.

Thousands are talking with Cracking the Codes. This year over 10,000 people in communities and on campuses nationwide have participated in a live Cracking the Codes event with World Trust facilitators.

Shakti Butler, PhD., is Founder and President of World Trust Educational Services.  She is also the producer/director of World Trust films. Dr. Butler shares her holistic framework for conveying the interconnection between internal and external/structural components of racial inequity, and revealing how self-perpetuating systems reinforce disparities in institutions. This framing, along with the use of Butler’s films, set the context for constructive conversation.

Special All-Campus Event
Date: Flex Day, Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Time: 1:00 pm -3:30 pm
Location: Building 6, Fireside Dining Room
Contact: Nina L. Floro, 650-738-4414 /

Article by Nina Floro.