On Friday, April 21, SMCCD Engineering Professors Nicholas Langhoff (Skyline College) and Dr. Amelito Enriquez (Cañada College) were awarded Best Paper and Best Diversity Paper at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Pacific Southwest (PSW) regional conference in Tempe, AZ. The award was presented during the dinner banquet to professors Enriquez and Langhoff, along with their co-authors and grant project collaborators Erik Dunmire (College of Marin) and Tom Rebold (Monterey Peninsula College).
Both awards are for a paper on the design and implementation of an online Engineering Graphics course. The paper details teaching materials developed (instructional videos, assignments, lesson plans, etc.), effective pedagogy for online engineering instruction, and student performance in both online and face-to-face sections in the Fall 2015 and Fall 2016 semesters. Also included are results from student surveys on background, course preparation and experience, course resources, and their lab experiences. Course results highlight that students in the online sections performed at least as well (if not better) than students in the face-to-face sections.
Development of the online engineering graphics course is part of a large collaborative project between Cañada College, Skyline College, College of Marin, and Monterey Peninsula College, set to develop a comprehensive lower division online engineering curriculum, with online lab courses in introduction to engineering, engineering graphics, circuits, and materials science. The project collaborators also presented two other papers on the online circuits course and the online materials science course, in addition to a poster presentation on the online Intro to Engineering course at the conference. The project is funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) under the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program. The project collaborators and authors extend their deep gratitude to NSF and the ASEE PSW conference coordinators.
Article by Nick Langhoff | Photo by Divyashish Kumar