The preschool class at the Skyline College Child Development Center showed their support for Palestine by creating a Lemonade Stand and accepting donations! On Tuesday, July 9, from 11 – 11:30 a.m. at Building 14, the class of 3- to 5-year-olds provided fresh homemade strawberry lemonade and homemade cookies. In return, they received many donations which will be going to the UN Crisis Relief to provide humanitarian aid to those affected in Gaza.
Their lead teacher, Michelle Nava, along with their student teachers, Laloifi, Joshua, and Diana, really wanted to teach their students the importance of thinking of others. They provided lemonade and cookies to those inside our community and those outside of our community, like Palestine.
It was an incredible success! The children and staff met many Skyline College students and staff and the children enjoyed talking with people, offering lemonade and cookies, and asking for donations. It was a great learning opportunity for the children in care, empathy, social interaction, and how our small steps can create change!
This opportunity allowed for further knowledge of other communities who need our help and support. The staff were given information and flyers on The People’s Sona or State of Nation Address.
To donate
For childcare questions, please check in with the Child Development Center’s Director, Christine
Building 14
Written by Michelle Nava
Photos by Michelle Nava and Nikkaela De Guzman