slacSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a world-renowned laboratory with research opportunities in physics, chemistry, biology, materials and environmental sciences, astrophysics, scientific computing, and many engineering fields. SLAC’s summer internship program offers exciting opportunities for undergraduate students majoring in these fields to conduct research. This past Tuesday, Dr. Enrique Cuellar presented to a group of 30 Skyline College students and staff about this program.  More information about this program can be found here. Applications for the summer start in October with the deadline in January. Dr. Cuellar encouraged students to call him directly if they have questions.

The schedule for this semester’s Science in Action Seminar series can be found at Science|Math|Technology Division’s Program Services Coordinator, Alyssa Wong-Conway is helping maintain the website and inviting speakers. The Science in Action Seminar series is meant to help students determine what they will do next in their career. Often, a student is just focused on the next paper, the next final or which institution to transfer to next. With the Science in Action Seminar series, we have invited a number of professionals in fields such as biology and physics to talk about their professional experience and educational path. Many of the speakers were past students at Skyline College. Some are working at universities as faculty or technicians, some may own their own company. In all, these speakers are here to talk to you and share how they got to where they are at now. Come and join our discussions and think about what you want to do next.

Science in Action Lecture Series meets every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Building 7, Room 7106. Light snacks and a small coffee card raffle will be offered.  We will be moving to the STEM center on October 15, 2019. Pictured from left to right: Will Kettle, Michael Ung, Dr. Enrique Cuellar, Michael Lam, Nick Langhoff,  Emilie Hein and Jenny Le.

Article and Photo by Nick Kapp

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