International Students gathered for a photo outsideOn August 9, 2022, the International Student Program (ISP) hosted the Welcome Day for new international students! This fall, Skyline College is welcoming over 85 students from 20 different countries, a record high number of new international students since the Pandemic. The event provided the students with an opportunity to make friends with people from all corners of the world, connect with campus resources and see our beautiful campus in person. The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Dr. Vinicio Lopez, Vice President of Instruction, and Zaid Ghori, Interim Dean of Global Learning Programs and Services, and a series of fun activities such as a Bingo Game and Campus Tour Scavenger Hunt followed were led by ISP Student Ambassadors.

During lunch time, students also had a chance to meet with representatives from key student service offices such as STEM Center, Career Readiness & Job Placement Office and Health Center. Sebastian, a new international student from Indonesia, said that he was “surprised to see other students from Indonesia” as he thought he would be the only one. He was also able to make new friends with students from Myanmar, Nepal and China at his lunch table. After lunch, students who are participating in the district’s Homestay Program attended the Homestay Orientation conducted by the district’s homestay team. Julius, another new student from Indonesia, said, “My host family is the best! They are like my real family.”

Many students also signed up for the Serramonte Shopping Mall Tour, which took place later that week. Sirreck Brown, ISP Retention Specialist, led the tour along with a student ambassador, Kaitlyn Huang. They started the tour from campus so new students learned how to ride a bus. Sirreck and Kaitlyn took the students to a bank and cellphone company, and most importantly, they all enjoyed shopping at Target, a true American experience.

This series of welcome events helped new international students navigate their campus life, find communities and make friends. Special gratitude to the Strategic Partnerships & Workforce Development Division, Health and Wellness Services and STEM Center for sharing their information and resources! This event would not have been possible without their support.

ISP is part of the Global Learning Programs and Services Division at Skyline College. ISP will continue to provide services and programs for international students as well as for the entire Skyline College community. If you are interested in learning more about future ISP programs and events, contact ISP office at

Article by Chikako Walker

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