Skyline College students Jashwin Sagoo, Jackson Womack, and Keefah Khalil presented their original scientific research at the Northern California Branch of the American Society for Microbiology Fall meeting on October 4, 2014 at Santa Clara University. At the meeting, they also participated in sessions on “Vicious Viruses in the News: Oncogenic viruses, MERS, Chikungunya, Dengue, and, Ebola.”
Jashwin presented his work on “Antibacterial Activity of Coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica), a Traditional Native American Herbal Medicine” and Jackson and Keefah presented “Antimicrobial Effects of Mimulus aurantiacus.” These students did their research during the summer of 2014 with Christine Case. Jashwin is beginning his first semester at UC Santa Cruz and Keefah has transferred to SFSU. Jackson is continuing at Skyline College.
Article by Christine Case | Photo by Jashwin Sagoo