With friends and family in attendance, 75 Skyline College students were inducted into Beta Theta Omicron, the Skyline College chapter the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, for the Fall 2013 semester. Members must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and 12 degree-applicable units. On October 25, the Cañada College chapter hosted the Induction ceremony for new members of Phi Theta Kappa in the SMCCCD. It is the tradition of our chapters to alternate hosting the induction. Beta Theta Omicron president Elizabeth Gochez welcomed new members and encouraged them to promote commitment to complete college on their campuses. New Phi Theta Kappa members are shown in the photo. Inset (from left): Chapter President Elizabeth Gochez, Jose Campos, Thin Kyine Lain, Jia Lu, Naing Aung Min, Jaimelynn Alvarez, Glyna Loraine Lara, and Nicole Smith. As their names are called, new members received a flower signifying new intellectual associations and a candle, symbolic of knowledge.
Article and Photos by Chris Case.