Amidst all the buzz in the Counseling Division during the first few weeks of school, where students came in for drop-in support to figure out their classes, got student educational plans, and received many other counseling services, the Transfer Center offered two CSU Spring Application Drop-in Assistance days on Thursday, August 20 and Wednesday, August 26.
Over 50 students have received application assistance to apply for spring admissions to various campuses, mostly SFSU. Although not all campuses offer spring admissions and not all majors are available to spring admits, the opening of spring admits allows our students to move through the transfer process in a faster more efficient manner. Students responded overwhelmingly to this opportunity by coming to the Transfer Center and getting the support they needed to make sure their applications were reviewed and accurate. The last day to apply for spring 2016 admissions to a CSU was August 31.
Thanks to our amazing marketing team for sending out timely GWAMAILs and to faculty and staff who referred students for drop-in assistance. It is evident this is the beginning of a very busy application season and with everyone’s efforts we will make sure our students have the best chance possible in achieving their transfer goals!
Article by Suzanne Poma