Green PodcastSkyline College’s sustainability program is thrilled to announce the first episode of our Energize Colleges Intern’s Podcast, The Green Experience has been published. The Skyline View’s adviser Nancy Kaplan-Biegel has been supporting our Energize Colleges program by supervising the production and publishing of The Green Experience. Our hosts Christian Carlo Ceguerra and Anasanique Fountain have been researching and interviewing professionals in a variety of sustainability fields around the Bay Area to provide quality information and engagement for their listeners.

To check out The Green Experience on Spotify:

First Episode:

Also available on most major podcast sites and apps, if it doesn’t show up in the search, also look up The Skyline View as the episodes are housed at the newspaper’s page within the app.

Skyline College’s sustainability program, supported by professor Carina Anttila-Suarez and Carla Grandy, Dean of STEM, has resulted in great success through our Energize Colleges program that supports Skyline College students with a variety of student-led internship opportunities. The Green Experience is one of many student internship opportunities hosted through our sustainability program led by Landon Smith the Sustainability Coordinator at Skyline College.

Article by Landon Smith

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