Skyline College’s Strategic Partnership & Workforce Development (SPWD) Team relaunched the Industry Leadership Council on Friday, November 17, 2023. In attendance were over 50 industry leaders who work in different industries and companies across the Bay Area. There were leaders from major companies such as PG&E, Gilead Science, San Francisco International Airport, American Medical Response, and government agencies such as the City of San Bruno, City of Belmont, and San Mateo County Transit District. Also in attendance were educational partners such as the San Francisco Unified School District and Jefferson Union High School District, and many more employers’ leaders. It was exciting to learn that several Industry Leaders were Skyline alumni with a deep affinity for Skyline College. At the Council meeting, leaders shared their connection to Skyline College and their vision of supporting students and community members with their career goals.

At the end of the event, SPWD Interim Dean Dr. Lauren Ford proposed that the Council meet once a semester. The group established three tangible goals for the Council to accomplish in the next three years, which include establishing a list of essential skills needed to get Skyline College students, alumni, and community members hired; providing students with cutting-edge, real-time, and pertinent hiring information to help them get connected to internship and job opportunities, and; creating entry-level career pathways and work opportunities for Skyline College, alumni, and community members.

This event could not have been possible without the partnership of the Industry Leaders, Skyline College President Dr. Newin Orante, Dean Michael Kane, Dr. Nick Kapp, Professor Kate Browne, SPWD team members—Interim Dean Dr. Lauren Ford, Alexa Moore, Laura DeKelaita, Claudia Paz, Nereida Angulo, Safa Zaghdoudi, Jasmine Jaciw, and Walter Manuofetoa. A big thanks to IT colleagues Rob Daleiden and Ella Catalano-Dockins, Pacific Dining’s Jon McMahon, Head Chef Noe Boch, Jesus Tepeu, and Facilities colleagues Annie Trinh, Allison McMahon, and Bryant Evans.

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