Outreach CollageThe spring 2016 semester has proved to be quite busy for the staff and faculty at Skyline College.  At the beginning of the semester, college recruiter, Lauren Ford, reached out to various departments on campus to capture the amount of outreach conducted across campus and within the community.  Outreach events consisted of workshops, presentations, campus tours, tabling events (college & job fairs), and campus events such as the Brothers & Sisters Conference and CTE Day.

Lauren collected outreach data from the following departments: Outreach, Financial Aid, Career Advancement Academy, Cosmetology, Automotive Technology, SparkPoint, Middle College, Veteran’s Resource Center, and English Language Institute.  Through the efforts of these offices, Skyline College was able to make over 5700 impressions within our community!

If anyone would like to contribute to the Outreach/Recruitment Database and share your outreach efforts with Lauren, please contact her at fordla@smccd.edu.  Lauren would like to thank everyone for their hard work in reaching out to our community to promote the mission and vision of Skyline College.  It truly takes a village!

Article and Photos by Lauren Ford