College ImageLast week Skyline College received its expected action letter from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), signed by President Barbara A. Beno, on the action taken by the Commission at its January 2015 meeting. Based on our “Follow Up Report” submitted in October, 2014, which was required as a result of our last accreditation visit in fall of 2013, the Commission found that the College has addressed and resolved all the deficiencies in College policies, procedures and practices which had led to noncompliance with Standard III.A.1.b.

Congratulations and commendations are deserved by the Skyline College community for maintaining the accredited status of the College, which allows us to continue serving students and contribute to their success. Thank you to everyone for your hard work to ensure that we maintain our Accreditation and are in full compliance with the Commission’s requirements. However, lest we rest on our laurels, the next report required from the College will be a Midterm Report due in October 2016 where we will address additional recommendations that resulted from our last accreditation visit.  Much like painting the Golden Gate Bridge, the work of accreditation is an ongoing process.

The College of San Mateo and Cañada College also received favorable action letters on their continued accreditation status based on their respective Follow Up Reports and a Follow Up Visit each received. We congratulate them as well.

At this time, the ACCJC is also providing notification of all the January 7-9, 2015 actions taken on the accredited status of institutions by sending the “Commission Actions on Institutions” list to the U.S. Department of Education, the relevant state agency, and to programmatic accreditors.  The actions list is also being posted on the website for access by interested individuals and members of the public.

Article by Aaron McVean