A Team of community college professionals from around the CCC system has been invited to Skyline College as part of the technical assistance made available through the statewide Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI). Skyline College submitted a Letter of Interest in August of this year inviting a Team to assist the college. This Partnership Resource Team (PRT) will make three visits to the campus, with the first one occurring on November 30.
The PRT will meet with representatives and stakeholders from all constituencies on campus in order to engage in dialogue and offer assistance. Skyline College has specifically requested assistance in the areas of 1) integrated planning and resource allocation and 2) enrollment management, particularly in light of the District’s recent transition to community supported status and the newly implemented resource allocation model. Additionally, the PRT has been asked to provide input on the College’s Distance Education program in light of the most recent accreditation Self-Evaluation Study and subsequent recommendation scheduled to be addressed in the upcoming accreditation Mid-Term Report.
Representatives from the Academic and Classified Senates, the SPARC, and the management team will meet individually and in small groups to discuss Skyline College’s areas of interest for technical assistance. There will be two additional visits scheduled for the team, likely to take place in the spring semester. As part of the IEPI and as a result of the PRT technical assistance, Skyline College can receive up to $150,000 in grant funding to help support implementation of strategies identified to improve institutional effectiveness. Any questions about the IEPI or the PRT visit can be directed to the Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) at ext. 4454 or mcveana@smccd.edu. More information on the IEPI and PRTs can be found at http://www3.canyons.edu/Offices/IEPI/index.html.
Article by Aaron McVean