The SEEED (Stewardship of Equal Employment, Equity, and Diversity) Committee met Tuesday, 9/24, to review the Skyline College Comprehensive Diversity Framework. The meeting was spent reviewing, and filling in any possible gaps or omissions, as well as providing time for additional elaboration in the narrative of the framework. The Comprehensive Diversity Framework intends to include an overall picture of our college’s historical record of addressing diversity on campus as well as articulating current diversity initiatives and creating a more workable framework within which to review the practices and processes whereby we can implement those initiatives. Gina Rosabal, a social justice consultant, is finalizing the draft report for submission to the Institutional Planning Committee.
NEW! The SEEED subcommittees are usually working on a single semester or year-long question that they then, with assistance from the PRIE, our institutional research office, explore in depth. But for those who want more immediate gratification, we also added the “Quick Question” to our regular agenda. Members (including new ones) may come to a meeting and ask the PRIE committee member, currently Katie Galvin, a short data inquiry question which will be answered at a subsequent meeting.
The SEEED Committee meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in room 6203, from 2:10pm-4:00pm. All are welcome (we have cookies…)!
Article by Lucia Lachmayr.