This week marked the beginning of Science In Action speaker series, hosted on a weekly Zoom call every Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30pm. Our first event hosted Melisa Carpio, talking about her work/research experience in the intersection between engineering, biotechnology, and vaccine production to 60+ students attending the Zoom call.
The weekly series is presented in partnership with the STEM Center, the Skyline College STEM Division, the MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement) Program, and the San Francisco University Bridges to Baccalaureate Program. During these events, guests share first-hand insight into their current work and, more importantly, their educational journey. Where they came from, what support systems did they find during their college experience? With an emphasis on personal connection, students gain opportunities to further explore their curiosity, and how the material they learn in their class fit into their future. These high-value, low-key talks have continued for over 6 years, and provided an opportunity and a platform to maintain a community during these socially-distanced times.
As the semester continues, please check out our Science In Action page to see our list of presenters and a brief abstract of their talks. For anyone who is unable to attend the live talks, you may check out our YouTube playlist(s) of Science in Action series for each semester.
Article by Bryan Swartout