On February 25, 2020, Science in Action speakers Hania and Subhraj, who are both working on a Masters in Bioengineering, talked about their educational journey. Both speakers attended community colleges prior to transferring to continue studying physics and engineering respectively. Hania and Subhraj talked about the Bay Area Biomedical Device Conference that will be held at SJSU on April 2, 2020. Skyline College students can attend for a discounted ticket price of $60. If you know of a student who would benefit from going to this conference, please contact Nick Kapp at kapp@smccd.edu for possible funding.
On March 3, 2020, Former Director of the MESA Center Tiffany Reardon returned to talk about Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Tiffany now works for UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering Transfer Program. Her program accepted over 100 community college transfer students this year. While the transfer process can be difficult, Tiffany’s program has an over 96% success rate. Tiffany is also the author of the popular site facebook.com/REUFinder . In her talk, Tiffany mentioned that students will be more successful in school if they participate in or conduct research projects. Tiffany emphasizes that students be paid if involved in research. The REU have many programs that are held around the county. Here are her tips to succeed in REU’s:
- Always go to all meetings
- Be excited
- Don’t treat it like a vacation
On behalf of our faculty, it was good to welcome Tiffany back on our campus, to show her our beautiful new rooms and the support that we give our students. It is nice to know that our faculty and staff go on to great things and that they look out for our students.
The Science in Action Seminar series are held in the STEM Center. Come by a seminar on Tuesdays from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Article and Photo by Nick Kapp