“If you do not learn how to make your money work for you, you will always work for it” (unknown). Financial literacy and money management are tools that are key for every person’s success. Join the Kappa Beta Delta Business Honor Society for a 2-part workshop series on saving and investing starting next Wednesday, April 21, 2021 from 3P – 4P.
In our first workshop, students will be learning the importance of prioritizing saving money, tracking expenses, and the steps to create an emergency savings plan. Different types of savings accounts will be detailed along with certain things to beware of when selecting a potential bank. Taking control of your savings is the first step to success for your financial future.
On the following Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 3P – 4P, students will be exploring the world of stocks and investing. This workshop will be centered around why you should begin investing as soon as possible, including a discussion about what type of brokerage account may be right for you. Selecting investments can be difficult, but we will provide you with the tools and resources to be successful. These workshops are open to all!
Date & Time: Wednesday April 21 & 28, 2021 3P – 4P (Pacific Time)
Meeting Link: https://smccd.zoom.us/j/83220639779
Article by Christopher Wardell