Skyline College hosted the 12th Annual Rock the School Bells (RTSB) Hip-Hop Conference for over 400 youth and educator’s this March. This year’s theme, Heart and Soul, highlighted workshops that support participants in fostering holistic health, healing and well-being.
For the first time in its 12 year history, RTSB held separate conferences for youth and educator’s. On March 9, 2019, over 100 educators gathered to discuss Hip-Hop education and best practices for utilizing hip-hop pedagogy in their educational spaces. Educator’s participated in workshops such as:
- Self-Care Through Hip-Hop
- Love, Light, and Lyrics
- Using Hip-Hop Therapy Techniques with Youth through a Social Justice Counseling Framework
- Time’s a Wastin; Finding Harmony in Culturally Responsive Hip-Hop Education
Educators also participated in a recess session to tend to their physical and mental health as well as nurture connections with others. Recess sessions included yoga, dance, kickboxing, therapy coloring and a Heart to Heart conversation. Over $3,000 was raised through the educator’s conference to help support scholarships for RTSB and the CIPHER learning community. On March 23rd, RTSB hosted over 300 youth from K-12, colleges/universities, and non-profit organizations. Participants attended workshops in:
- Connecting the Dots with your Art Form
- Soup for the Soul: Healing through Food & Performance
- Turning the Tables on Toxic Masculinity
- Freestyle Therapy Cypher
Rock the School Bells 12: Heart and Soul was also highlighted by amazing keynote speakers: Allyson Tintiangco (Heart) and Colin Ehara (Soul) who motivated our educators and Uce Veu (Heart) and Anthony (Ynot) Denaro (Soul) who captivated our youth. Through their words they inspired us to continue creating spaces for artistic expression, take risks and build around love and community. The youth conference was capped off with a special MC Battle and All-Style Dance Battle that showcased their creative talents.
Thank you to our Skyline College Community and Leadership for their continued support throughout the years and especially through these exciting changes for Rock the School Bells! A heartfelt Thank You and Congratulations to the Leadership team who dedicated countless volunteer hours to put together RTSB 12: Heart and Soul.
Since 2007, RTSB has been a space for youth and educators to build community around hip-hop education and under new leadership that vision continues. If you would like to learn more about the RTSB Leadership team or how to get involved in future events, please visit:
Article by Ivan Silva