commuteCarpool or vanpool. Take public transit (SamTrans, BART, Caltrain). Ride the Express shuttle. Bike. Walk.  How do you get to work?

Choose an alternative commute to work – other than in a single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) – to SKYLINE COLLEGE, and be rewarded! will be tabling at the Welcome Week Resource Fair on Tuesday, August 23. Drop by between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., ask about your commute options to WORK, and enter to win a special raffle drawing for Skyline College EMPLOYEES only.

To All Skyline College FACULTY and STAFF:

Commuter Benefits and Incentives you should know:

Your commute to Skyline College just got greener. Let’s continue working together to improve our commute in San Mateo County!

Got questions? Email .

Article by Gina Javier