Dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is a fascinating and often misrepresented mental health challenge. These misrepresentations can be harmful as they may be mistaken as truths and contribute to the stigma surrounding mental health.

To provide more light on the subject, Carl Hernandez, Psi Beta’s Vice President, led a discussion. He shared symptoms and potential contributors to the disorder, then showed clips from three films that focus on DID – Split, Sybil, and Voices Within: The Lives of Truddi Chase. Attendees shared what they knew about the disorder and discussed the accuracy of each portrayal.
These discussions are important, as education is one of the leading ways to combat stigma and all that comes with it.
Psi Beta is an Honor Society for students interested in Psychology. Our meetings/ activities are held every Thursday from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in Building 6, Room 6-203.