As the hub for justice system impacted students at Skyline College, Project Change is opening doors, removing barriers, and creating community for students. While connecting students to the many amazing Skyline College programs, resources, and opportunities; program staff discovered record clearance or clean slate services was another resource need. As a result, Project Change offered its first Record Clearance Day on Wednesday, April 21st with individual appointments available during the day for students interested in connecting with community clean slate services.
To further understanding of record clearance at Skyline College, Project Change hosted a Record Clearance Professional Development Workshop at the Thursday, April 22nd, FLEX Day Event for faculty and staff. UCLA Law School graduate and San Jose State University Record Clearance Project Director, Margaret “Peggy” Stevenson, J.D. presented the impact of record clearance options and the current climate for clean slate services. Peggy described how record clearance options can impact such areas as employment (including occupational licensing), housing, immigration, and student loans while describing the ever evolving but overall positive California climate for clean slate services.
In 2018 there were nearly half a million people on parole and probation in California, and more who had completed their probation or parole. With more than 50 occupational licensing boards and bureaus in California, existing licensing barriers impact formerly incarcerated students’ choices in academic majors and career fields. Record clearance is one way to potentially impact a justice system impacted student’s future.
Good news, if students missed Record Clearance Day, it is not too late! Skyline College Project Change recently partnered with the statewide community college Rising Scholars Network supporting justice system impacted students, to offer ongoing clean slate services. The goal of the program is to deliver free clean slate services and help students get the relief possible from the consequences of past justice system involvement. Students should contact John Skovgaard and Chris Woo at to request clean slate/record clearance services.
Article by Chris Burwell-Woo