jamil kanaanehThe Biology Department has a number of adjunct professors that quietly work with all of us, often at night and when daytime services and personnel are not around.  Jamil Kanaaneh has taught Human Biology and Human Physiology for Skyline College since 2007. He enjoys teaching students at Skyline College and often gives seminars outside of class to students. Jamil has also served as a connection between students and UCSF. Jamil enjoys matching students who wish to conduct research with UCSF mentors and he has helped match a number of our students into labs in which the PI (Principal Investigator) will be nurturing to students.

As one student stated, “My knowledge about the field of research was to a minimum until I got all these opportunities at Skyline College, UCSF and now UC Davis. I have always been thankful to Dr. Case for having me at her lab at Skyline College and Prof. jamil Kanaaneh for introducing me to the Ku lab and expanding my knowledge about all the resources present around us that could only benefit us.  I loved every part of my summer internship at UCSF and feel great about the opportunities I received there after.”

The Biology Department would like to thank Jamil Kanaaneh for teaching and helping our students.

Article by Nick Kapp