skyline campusAll are invited to submit nominations for The President’s Excellence in Leadership Award.  The President’s Excellence in Leadership Award recognizes administrators and managers who lead with integrity, effectiveness, deliberate focus and collaboration and who contribute to the attainment of the college goals and student success. The award also recognizes demonstrated exceptional service to the Skyline College community and the effective use of the culture and traditions of Skyline College in enhancing social justice and human achievement.

The deadline for submission is Monday, May 15, 2017 at 9:00.  Nominations are to be sent to Christine Roumbanis at roumbanis@smccd.eduThe criteria and nomination form are available online.

The award will be given on an annual basis at the end of the academic year. The award will be announced at the End of the Year Celebration along with the Meyer’s Faculty Award and the Classified Staff Special Recognition Award.

Article by Regina Stanback Stroud