The Phi Theta Kappa Spring scholarship application, is now open for continuing students. The scholarships administered on this application are for students who plan to continue their education at a two-year college in the fall. More than $260,000 will be awarded through these scholarships:
• The Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarship for Nursing and Respiratory Therapy students.
• The Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship.
• The GEICO Pathway to Completion Associate Scholarship for Business majors.
• The Richard L. Resurreccion Public Safety Scholarship for ADMJ and EMC majors.
Please encourage your students to apply. Skyline College student Gilbert Arellano won the 2013 Resureccion Public Safety Scholarship for Public Safety Leadership and Skyline College student Jamela Brown received the 2012 Leaders of Promise Scholarship. Applications are due April 30. Download the application now at
Article by Dr. Christine Case