On November 28, 2017, representatives from partner organizations serving the local Skyline College community attended a NOVA Job Center open house at SparkPoint. This event both introduced the newly launched NOVA Job Center at Skyline College and familiarized community partners with the rest of the services that SparkPoint offers.
The organizations represented included NOVA San Mateo, NOVA Sunnyvale, San Mateo County Human Services Agency, HIP Housing, the Central Labor Council Partnership, San Bruno Public Library, Jefferson Adult Education, and South San Francisco Adult School. Now that these partners are fully acquainted with the services that are offered, they can increase the SparkPoint Center’s outreach into the local community by referring individuals in need of services. The ultimate goal of the open house was to promote the SparkPoint Center at Skyline College as a trusted community resource that will serve any and all community members in need of assistance.
The NOVA Job Center at Skyline College provides job search support for students and community members seeking immediate employment. We offer individualized one-on-one career counseling, job search workshops, labs, an advice line, and more at no cost. If you know of any students or community members who are interested in obtaining a job or internship, please invite them to stop by room 1-221A or contact NOVA Program Services coordinator Kathleen Velasquez at velasquezk@smccd.edu or call 650-738-7904.
Article by Kathleen Velasquez