Sujatha VenkataramanSkyline College Academic Senate has put forward Sujatha Venkataraman for the State Academic Senate Hayward Award for “Excellence in Education.”

Ms. Venkataraman, or “Ms. V” is a wonderful teacher. She is committed to serving and empowering her students. Skyline College has a diverse population and Ms. V is at the forefront of bringing gender diversity into her classroom. She is an ambassador for the “Victory Over Violence” program, bringing dialogue and education involving the intersection of passive and active violence into her classroom. In addition, she is volunteer faculty with the Prison University Project at San Quentin Prison.

Ms. V has been teaching in the Early Childhood Education program at Skyline College since Fall, 2014 and teaches at Pacific Oaks College. In addition to being involved in on-campus activities, she represented Skyline College at the Annual National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) and is a 2015-2016 Fellowship awardee of the Simms-Mann Institute which emphasizes the complex issues currently facing communities, families and individuals in education, health, wellness, art and culture.

Article by Kate Brown