Many of you submit material to be included in Skyline Shines.  Thanks so much for taking to time to help me keep the college informed. Here are a few guidelines that will facilitate the publication of Skyline Shines each week:

Send submission to

  • Submit your article by 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays; articles received after this time will appear in the following week¹s issue.
  • Attach pictures to be included in the article to the email. Please do not paste them in the Word document as previously requested.
  • Please submit photos that are less than 1mb in size.
  • Don’t forget to add a headline/title to the article.
  • Please make sure to indicate who wrote the article and who took the photos. We like to give writer and photographer credits.
  • Use the following commonly accepted abbreviations:  a.m. or p.m. (i.e.  The event will be held from 8:00 a.m.-­1:30 p.m. The workshop is scheduled to run from 9:30 a.m.-Noon.)
  • Spell out numbers of one or two words.  Use figures for numbers that require more than two words to spell out. (i.e., Almost eight years ago I began taking ceramics courses. And I counted 176 records on the shelf).
  • If a sentence begins with a number, spell out the number or rewrite the sentence.
  • Use the month, day, a comma and the year to indicate the date (i.e., March 4, 2011 not March 4th, 2011 or March 2nd, 2011).
  • Add the word College when you refer to the name Skyline (i.e.,  Skyline College instead of Skyline).


Do you have a suggestion?

One way to submit it is through our general e-Suggestion Box, via the hyperlink in the box below

For state level information on community colleges, see these websites:

The California Community College Chancellor¹s Office in Sacramento:

The Community College League of California:

The Research and Planning Group:

Skyline Shines is archived at