Many of you submit material to be included in Skyline Shines. Thanks so much for taking to time to help me keep the college informed. Here are a few guidelines that will facilitate the publication of Skyline Shines each week:

Send submission to

•Submit your article by 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays; articles received after this time will appear in the following week¹s issue.

•Attach pictures to be included in the article to the email. Please do not paste them in the Word document as previously requested.

•Please submit photos that are less than 1mb in size.

•Don’t forget to add a headline/title to the article.

•Please make sure to indicate who wrote the article and who took the photos. We like to give writer and photographer credits.

•Use the following commonly accepted abbreviations: a.m. or p.m. (i.e. The event will be held from 8:00 a.m.-­1:30 p.m. The workshop is scheduled to run from 9:30 a.m.-Noon.)

•Spell out numbers of one or two words. Use figures for numbers that require more than two words to spell out. (i.e., Almost eight years ago I began taking ceramics courses. And I counted 176 records on the shelf).

•If a sentence begins with a number, spell out the number or rewrite the sentence.

•Use the month, day, a comma and the year to indicate the date (i.e., March 4, 2011 not March 4th, 2011 or March 2nd, 2011).

•Add the word College when you refer to the name Skyline (i.e., Skyline College instead of Skyline).


Do you have a suggestion?

One way to submit it is through our general Suggestion Box.

For state level information on community colleges, see these websites:

The California Community College Chancellor¹s Office in Sacramento:

The Community College League of California:

The Research and Planning Group:

Skyline Shines can be viewed at