On Tuesday October 11, from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., the ASSC will be putting on a National Coming Out Day event in commemoration of the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting that occurred in June. We will be asking students, faculty, staff and community members to join us in the Quad to creating a unity circle. The unity circle will consist of notes written by our Skyline College community tied together with Pride flag ribbon.
Disney World Elite Social Club, who lost one of their own at the shooting, will be accepting the unity circle from us and bringing it to the memorial that is currently in place at Pulse. The notes in the unity circle can either be a note to the victim, a note to their family, or a simple quote or saying about coming out, self-love and self-acceptance.
The Quad will also have Skyline College’s GSA tabling and providing a closet door for those attending to take picture of them happily “coming out.” Our event will be centered around the themes of love and acceptance of one’s self and of others. There will be a photobooth, Pride themed donuts and a juice bar. The ASSC hopes all can make it to this celebration of coming out and the love and pride involved in doing so.
Article by Dylan O’Shea