As part of a regular cycle, committees entrusted with providing input on strategic planning and institutional effectiveness reviewed Skyline College’s Mission – Vision – Values to ensure that it accurately reflects our college’s educational purposes, the types of degrees and credentials we offer, and our commitment to student learning and achievement.

Each committee took action to recommend the changes after careful review and dialogue. At their September meeting, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) recommended key additions to the Values section pertaining to social justice, equity, distance learning, and our recently approved baccalaureate degree. At their October meetings, the Stewardship for Equity, Equal Employment and Diversity Committee (SEEED) and Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) weighed in on these recommendations, which went forward to the College Governance Council (CGC) in January and February. Consisting of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Associated Students, and the President and Vice Presidents of Skyline College, the CGC unanimously recommended adoption of the revised MVV at its February 24 meeting. The following revisions were approved:

  • “Social Justice” is an entirely new addition: “We are committed to a comprehensive diversity framework that promotes social justice throughout all policies, procedures, and practices of the College.”
  • Under “Open Access,” we added “gender, ” “gender expression,” and “sexual orientation” to the range of demographic factors, replaced “prepared” with the more precise “preparedness”, and noted that “programs and responsive student services” be provided “both in person and online.”
  • “Equity” was added to “Student Success.” Specifically, “We aim to close gaps that result in inequitable outcomes by ensuring that each student has the opportunity to succeed.”
  • Under “Academic Success,” we added our newly minted “baccalaureate degree” to AA/ AS degrees, certificates, basic skills development and lifelong learning to our list of comprehensive educational options.

President Regina Stanback Stroud was very appreciative of the commitment to governance that the review of the MVV demonstrates, noting “I’m very impressed with the work that went in not only to the thorough review and resultant revisions, but also the vetting process through the committees.”

For the full text of Skyline College’s Mission – Vision – Values, please see .

Article by Karen Wong