20543958915_f90a5156f7_zLast week, Skyline College welcomed its first class of 39 middle college students from El Camino and South San Francisco high schools with a three-day orientation. Skyline College President Regina Stanback Stroud and South San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent Shawnterra Moore-Thomas greeted the students by expressing their enthusiasm about this unique educational experience being offered to students living in north San Mateo County. Both encouraged the students to take advantage of being in Middle College to pursue their dreams for academic and career success.

19923069063_c7bc21eec7_zThe three-day orientation familiarized the students with the campus facilities, provided a career education workshop, allowed the students to obtain textbooks and instructional materials, and introduced them to college resources and services. It also served to introduce students to Middle College staff and to build a sense of community. Students in this program are concurrently enrolled in high school and community college, taking all their courses on the Skyline College campus for two years with the college courses being tuition-free up to 11.5 units. Upon graduation from the Middle College, each student will receive a high school diploma and earn college credit toward a Career Technology Education certificate and/or an Associate Degree. Additionally, students may transfer their units to four-year college/university.


Skyline College Middle College is located in building 2, 3rd floor. Directed by Raymond Jones, the Middle College staff includes Martina Center, Retention Specialist, Lucy Lopez, Counselor, Vince Lorenzo, Office Assistant, and teachers Lora Rasmussen (History) and Laureen Mercer (English).


The Middle College staff is excited to offer this program, and appreciates the welcome they and the students have received from the Skyline College community.

Article by Dr. Raymond Jones. Photos by Claudia Paz.