On Valentine’s Day, Skyline College Library will hold a virtual celebration of the life and writings of the late feminist author, cultural critic and social activist bell hooks (1952-2021). All members of the community are invited to join “All about Love: Celebrating bell hooks’ Love Ethic,” where we’ll explore hooks’ thoughts and works on love. “All about Love” takes place virtually by Zoom on Monday, February 14, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m..
Participants are encouraged to share, in any format they choose – spoken word, art, music, or by sharing a quote or excerpt, video clip etc. – the ways they’ve been inspired by hooks. To learn more about hooks’ life and writings, we recommend this library resource guide as a starting place: https://guides.skylinecollege.edu/bellhooks
Students are also encouraged to ask their instructors to consider offering an extra credit for attending this event, which coincides with Black History Month as well.
For details, contact Skyline College librarian Prof. Pia Walawalkar <walawalkars@smccd.edu>.
Zoom link: bit.ly/Skylinebellhooks