One of SparkPoint and Career Services most popular programs is coming to an end.  The  CollegeSavers program is offered to Skyline College students through a partnership with Opportunity Fund, a national non-profit organization focused on helping individuals get in the habit of saving money.  By enrolling in this program, eligible students will receive $2 for every $1 that they save, up to a maximum of $4,000 contributed by Opportunity Fund.


Unfortunately, Opportunity Fund has lost its federal funding and will no longer be accepting new applicants in the future. However, there is a window between now and June 1 within which program applications will still be accepted!


Our SparkPoint Coordinators, Flor Lopez and Rhonda Kaufman, are able to assist individual students fill out and submit these applications.  Additionally, SparkPoint is hosting two information sessions on May 31, at which an Opportunity Fund representative will be on campus to talk about the program and how to apply.


Please forward this information to any and all students who may be interested, noting the urgency of the situation.  Interested students should make an appointment with Rhonda or Flor before May 31, by contacting SparkPoint at 650-728-7035, or dropping by the SparkPoint Center, Room 1-214.  Interested students can also attend one of the May 31 sessions. RSVP appreciated, but not required.


Written by Chad Thompson