Skyline College Professor and Honors Transfer Program Coordinator John Ulloa travelled to Japan this past April to conduct participant observation fieldwork for his forthcoming book Bouncing Across Borders:  The Globalization of Lowrider Culture.  John attended the Speed and Custom Car Show held at the Port Messe Center in Nagoya, Japan.  He had the opportunity to interview and cruise with members of Pharoahs Car Club, and Primera Car Club.  Both clubs have members that have been lowriding in Japan for over 25 years.  Lowriding is often racialized and associated with Mexican-American barrios.  In response to people’s surprise of hearing of Japanese lowriding, Ulloa said “It’s no different than suburban kids in the United States taking karate lessons in strip malls.”  All in all, the Speed and Custom Show drew lowriders and lowriding enthusiasts from all over Japan, and other parts of the world including Australia, Guam, and Thailand.  Stay tuned as John will do a teach back on campus at the beginning of the fall semester.


Article by John Ulloa