On Thursday, May 29, 2024, the International Student Program (ISP) concluded the Spring 2024 semester with a memorable field trip to Oracle Park, home of the San Francisco Giants who were up against the Philadelphia Phillies. The event aimed to unite international students and awaken their inner sports fans, fostering a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

The day began with the group leaving the campus roundabout at 11:45 AM, filled with anticipation and excitement. On the bus, the students conversed and marveled with intrigue at how baseball works, as most of them were not familiar with the game but by the end of the day, they would know. By 12:30 PM, they arrived at Oracle Park, ready to immerse themselves in a good ol’ American pastime of baseball.

As the clock struck 12:45 PM, the first pitch was thrown, marking the beginning of the game between the San Francisco Giants and the Philadelphia Phillies. In between innings, the students were fully engaged, their voices harmonizing with the classic baseball chant, Take Me Out to the Ball Game. The energy continued to build as they participated in a sing-along to the iconic hit, I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys, echoing throughout the stadium. Don’t forget, no ballgame experience is complete without indulging in some delicious gameday grub. The ISP students relished their traditional ballpark fare, including hotdogs, garlic fries, chicken tenders, and sodas, savoring every bite while cheering for the Giants.

Despite the Giants’ unfortunate defeat, with the game concluding at 6-1 in favor of the Phillies, the ISP students’ spirit remained high. The Giants managed to score a point in the last inning, providing a thrilling end to the game and a highlight for the fans. After the final out at 3:30 PM, the group took the opportunity to capture the day’s memories with Polaroid pictures, exchanging contacts and solidifying newfound friendships. The day wrapped up as they departed Oracle Park at 4:00 PM, tired but elated from the exhilarating experience.

This field trip not only offered ISP students a taste of American culture through baseball but also strengthened the bonds among them. The ISP’s visit to Oracle Park was a fitting and spirited conclusion to the Spring 2024 semester, leaving students with lasting memories and a shared sense of community.

Go Giants!

As the ISP strives to promote diversity and cultural exchange, activities like this demonstrate the program’s dedication to improving the international student experience. With the echoes of chants and the camaraderie of the day still fresh in their thoughts, the students eagerly anticipate the experiences that await them in the upcoming semester.

The International Student Program is part of the Global Learning Programs and Services Division. ISP will continue to provide services and programs for international students and the entire Skyline College community. If you want to learn more about future ISP programs and events, contact the ISP office at skyinternational@smccd.edu.

Article by William Wai Phyo Ordoyo Oo | Photos by Lasheana Dilian Husni

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