One of the goals as a college this academic year is to work with our Foundation more closely to really acknowledge, celebrate, and thereby further cultivate the culture of giving that is present here at Skyline College. There is a strong culture of giving that exists here on campus and it attracts the generosity of the external community. Because we give, they give. Because our faculty and staff are quite generous when it comes to the President’s Innovation Fund and student scholarships, we’d like to both celebrate that and encourage others to get involved. The Foundation has recommended the formation of an advisory committee to do so.
A group of faculty and staff members were invited to be charter members of this newly formed Faculty/Staff Giving Advisory Committee. The first meeting was held on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 and the lively discussion brought much enthusiasm, ideas and insights on what motivates each of us to give. The conversation was invaluable and there is great potential for increased education on how to give and many great ideas on how to create additional avenues to make giving easier and even more rewarding. Twenty percent of faculty/staff on Skyline College campus currently give, so the foundation for giving is strong. The Foundation and college leadership look forward to continuing the conversation with this dynamic committee. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
Article by Cherie Colin