On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, the Skyline College Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) held one of its last meetings of the year. General announcements/updates were made regarding the Annual Program Plans (APPs) and Comprehensive Program Reviews (CPRs) to inform committee members that 1) some APPs have been received and the rest are due by April 15, which is when we will then begin to post them all online and that 2) all CPRs have been submitted and are now posted online and are available for their review. The IPC also reviewed the ACCJC Annual Report and discussed the information prepared for the president’s approval and submission to ACCJC. The committee also spent time discussing the Student Success and Support Program report that is due in the fall and the task force being formed to support the work. This task force will be made up of members from constituency groups across the campus and next steps were discussed regarding bringing the group together and meeting the requirements of the report in a way that demonstrates all the great work the College does. As always, the IPC meetings are open to the public and we welcome any and all to join us.
Article by David Ulate