Hermanos and Hermanas Connection to College (C2C) held their annual end of year celebration to honor the graduates in the program on May 15 2018.
This year Herman@s C2C honored 22 hermanas and 21 hermanos who are current seniors from South San Francisco High School. Students and families were welcomed and began their evening with dinner.
Pablo Gonzalez, former EOPS Skyline counselor kicked off the celebration with a warm welcome to students and families. After, student speakers Fernando Hernandez, Jessica Escamilla and Annette Salgado shared their positive experiences of being in the Herman@s C2C program. Karla Enedina Gomez-Pelayo followed by thanking the parents for their support in their student’s education. Karla then spoke to the graduating seniors, and shared her story.
Furthermore, the Herman@s C2C program would not be possible without the support of Skyline College and South San Francisco High School. Students came to the podium and thanked Skyline College and South San Francisco High staff for their commitment to the program.
Specifically, students thanked Jane Arias, Kalia Chavez, Margarita Astudillo, Daniel Flores, Maria Gonzalez, Pablo Gonzalez, Yolanda Gonzalez, Valerie Higgins, Eric Imahara, Lucy Jovel, Gustavo Lopez, Christian Navarro, Yuffita Palacios, Danielle Powell, Dr. Cynthia Rapaidio, Guadalupe Ruiz, Alberto Santellan, Marion Shine, Nelly Salgado, Julissa Vergara, and Women of SWMLA.
Next, the program was able to give two scholarships to one hermana and one hermano. The Kiwanis Club of South San Francisco donated funds to provide two students with a scholarship award. Yolanda Gonzalez, representative of the Kiwanis Club, was present that night and was able to give Brianna Toney (Hermana) and Diego Gomez-Lara (Hermano) their scholarship personally.
Finally, Herman@s C2C graduates received a Certificate of Achievement along with a Herman@s graduation stole.
The celebration concluded with a group picture, cake and music!
Article written by Liliana Rivera | Photo by Kevin Perez