“We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry.” – Jimmy Carter

Empty Bowls is a worldwide movement by artists to lessen food insecurity. Empty Bowls events cultivate social responsibility through creative service and encourage participants to – Think Globally – Act Locally.
Join us for the Skyline College Empty Bowls Event.
Monday, March 20th, 2023
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Fireside Dining Room – Bldg. 6
All Ticket Sales will be used to lessen food insecurity locally at Skyline College.
Empty Bowls attendees will enjoy
- A Soup Dinner
- Student Performances – Featuring entertainment from Skyline College Dance, Drama, and Music
- Campus & Community Organizations dedicated to lessening food insecurity
Take home a handcrafted ceramic bowl!
- Bowls $15
- Soup FREE
- Open to All
MORE INFORMATION @ https://skylinecollege.edu/art/index.php
Artistic expression is at the foundation of who we are as a global community.
It has the power to transcend and transform. Transcend and transform with the Skyline College Creative Arts community at Empty Bowls!