What college practices and student behaviors correlate highly with student success? To gain more insight about this question pertaining to our college and students, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) will be administered at Skyline College this April. A national survey that our students have taken every four years since 2008, the results will give us insights about what our students do in and out of the classroom and what we can do to create an environment that enhances their learning, development and retention. We’ll have the opportunity to compare our present results to the past results, as well as to comparable community colleges.
What is the time line? Within a three week window from April 11- 29, the survey will be administered in classes randomly selected by the Center to ensure a representative sample and to preserve the integrity of the survey results. The survey is designed to be completed in fifty minutes. Instructors whose classes are selected for survey administration will receive specific information from the Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness office in the next two weeks.
Skyline College is intent on being a leader in higher education, and this survey can assist us in improving course completion rates, as well as the rate of student persistence to the completion of their educational goals. To learn more about CCSSE, visit www.ccsse.org, or contact the Center for Community College Student Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin at 512-471-6807 or info@cccse.org. For more information about Skyline College’s participation, contact Karen Wong, Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness at wongk@smccd.edu or (650) 738-4369.
Article by Karen Wong