Friday afternoon, May 9, The CTTL hosted the dynamic “Guru” of Distance Education and Online technologies, Michelle Pakansky-Brock. The 3-hour workshop, entitled “Humanizing your Online Classroom,” treated Faculty and staff to an inspiring afternoon filled with engaging and thoughtful dialogue. Michelle relayed to CTTL staff and administration afterwards that she “was impressed with the level of commitment and support for innovation through technology at Skyline.”
Some faculty participants reported, “It was a very useful workshop, and something I hope we get to do more of.” Other attendees immediately applied what they learned and created short video
e-mails by using one of the new technology tools that Michelle demonstrated.
All who attended agreed the workshop inspired a renewed vigor and provided them with exciting new tools that will help them to engage students in their classes.
As a special treat, Michelle put together a page of resources just for Skyline College. It can be accessed here.
Copies of Michelle’s book, Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies, are available for loan from the CTTL. More information about Michelle and the work she is doing can be found at her Website:
Article by Bridget Fischer