The Skyline College Governance Council met on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at  2:10-4:00 pm in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Eloisa Briones, Kate Browne, Andy Chan, Sarah Perkins, Kennya Ruiz, Priscilla Sanchez, Leigh Anne Shaw, and Regina Stanback Stroud. Members not in attendance included Linda Allen, Joi Blake, Kayla Razavi, and Pat Tyler

Approval of January 22, 2014 Minutes
(M/S/U Leigh Anne Shaw/Pricsilla Sanchez) The CGC approved the January 22, 2014 minutes as amended.

E-Cigarettes – On Campus
The College Governance Council discussed the implications of the increasing popularity and use of E-Cigarettes on campus. Current policies may need to be clarified and updated to decrease students’ perception that the policy only applies to tobacco/paper cigarettes. Leigh Anne Shaw reported that faculty witnessing students use E-cigarettes throughout the campus and in classrooms. Additionally, because E-cigarettes can be filled with tobacco, oils and other substances, faculty have witnessed smells other than tobacco and including that of marijuana emanating from the cigarettes.

President Stroud suggested that we work with the Public Safety Department regarding those that use the E-Cigarettes with prescription for legal substances and to bring awareness to the campus of the no smoking policy. Currently there is research being done with E-Cigarettes regarding the harm to the smoker and/or to those who inhale the second hand smoke. Regina suggested that this topic should be forwarded to the Health & Safety Committee, Health Services, Respiratory Therapy Department and Public Safety.

Skyline Shines Award
President Stroud asked the committee to review the criteria that has been used in past years for the Skyline Shines Award nominations. The awardees are those that live up to the Skyline College Campus values. The awards are given to two groups, one to an individual or group from our Skyline College Campus and the second is given to an individual or group from the community. The campus award is selected by the CGC committee and the community award is selected by the President’s Council. After discussion, it was moved to approve the evaluation criteria without any changes.

(M/S/U Pricsilla Sanchez/ Leigh Anne Shaw) Approved the evaluation criteria without changes.

Pricsilla Sanchez shared with the committee an idea named “SkyTalks”. It is similar to the Ted Talks format and it will have a series of talks about majors, careers, etc. It will give the students better exposure to majors and careers. The SkyTalks will be recorded to use as reference materials so that students can view the talks in the future. The idea is to hold the event close to “Welcome Week” in August or new “Extreme Saturday”.

It was recommended and encouraged for the students to work with Angelica Garcia, Dean of Counseling. Also this would be a great idea for a PIF project and suggested that Pricsilla work with faculty and/or staff to apply for a PIF project.

Academic Calendar
Leigh Anne Shaw reported to the committee that the Academic Calendar topic will be discussed at the Academic Senate meeting February 28th. There is a concern that there is not enough input in the creating of the Academic Calendar and this topic has been discussed at the District Academic Senate and with the Vice President’s. Leigh Anne asks that the CGC revisit this item for input at a later date on how it affects Classified Staff, Faculty and Students. Also, we might want to look into a two-year calendar rather than a one year calendar.

Academic Senate
Leigh Anne Shaw reported that at the District Strategic Council met February 10 and there was a discussion of Board Goals on how to gather data on single course takers or lifelong learners who don’t complete an SEP. The Academic Senate is working on the faculty selection guidelines document and they are making progress at the District Academic Senate. They hope to complete the process this semester. They are also working with the Human Resources department. The local Academic Senate endorsed the transportation survey. An online survey link has been sent to all college employees and the students will receive a difference survey soon. The Professional Personnel Committee is changing their charge. The new charge is basically focusing on professional development and to nominate faculty for awards local, state and nationally. The Senate is has completed the revision to the constitution and the bylaws.

Classified Senate Report
Kennya Ruiz reported on behalf of Linda Allen who was unable to attend the CGC meeting. The Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws have been updated and approved both by the local and the State Senate level. Currently they are working with Deborah Joy on the Code of Ethics document. Wednesday, March 5th the Classified Senate will be hosting a Classified Senate Breakfast in the Hosting Gallery in building 4 from 9-10 a.m.

ASSC Report
Pricsilla Sanchez reported to the CGC that there have been a few events for African American Heritage Month such as the panel on African Americans in the Sciences, the Dream Tree and the Spoken Word Competition which was held February 27th. February 13th was National Condom Day and the Love Yourself, Love Your Culture – Day of Healing and finally a flash mob that brought awareness of the 1 billion women who are raped on Valentine’s Day. The ASSC will be attending the LEGCON conference in Washington DC March 14-17.

Adjourned at 3:30 p.m.