The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Alexander Alpi, Stephen Fredericks, Angelica Garcia, Michele Haggar, Sarah Perkins, Dennis Zheng. Absent was Eloisa Briones, Kate Browne, Regina Stanback Stroud, Alana Utsumi. Our guest was Aaron McVean.
Approval of Minutes
The March 23, 2016 minutes were approved. (M/C/U Stephen Fredericks/Alexander Alpi –approved) Unanimously. Abstaining – Michele Haggar and Dennis Zheng
The meeting started with the Academic Senate report. The Academic Senate reported that its meetings regularly include visits and discussions with key administrators about the state of the College and issues for this year. The April meetings included discussions of:
April meeting included:
Discussions of:
– Review of Board Policies & Procedures, from DAS & DPCG meetings.
– Public Safety Plan [Zack Bruno reported as Faculty Representative to District Planning Committee]
– Academic Academy Report [Counseling group- how DVC is using Strategic Plan for Equity to implement their Framework, Leigh Anne Shaw-Consideration of ESOL as NOT a deficit]
-State Plenary attendance [for 4/21-23 Kate Williams Browne, Stephen Fredricks, Leigh Anne Shaw]
-OEI/Canvas update – Faculty training initial plan description [Summer, Fall & Spring plans]
-Call for Nominations for Academic Senate Governing Council: Email to faculty to nominate/submit statement of candidacy 4/8-4/21; Elections will be held via email 4/25-5/5.
-Counseling Division recommended change to Re-Test Policy
Actions on:
-Consent of Board policies; ongoing discussions continuing for Minimum Qualifications, Textbook, Distance Education, Curriculum
-Faculty screening committee appointments for Cosmetology, Chemistry, and Engineering/Computer Science.
Reports from Academic Senate Standing Committees:
-Curriculum Committee: Program Reviews presented at both 4/6 & 4/20 meetings
-Ed Policy Committee: Revising Faculty Handbook in progress; Class Recording Update & Academic Senate recommendation that District Legal Counsel be consulted regarding FERPA rules and Faculty authority/responsibility/liability.
-Professional Personnel: Academic Senate selection of Meyer Teaching Award for 2016; End of Year Celebration [Joint Classified & Academic Senates] will be held in 6-204 on Thursday, 19 May, Noon-2 pm. Upcoming: , fund-raising Division baskets.
Upcoming: report from Nathan Jones, MOT selectee, from Kate Williams Browne & Leigh Anne Shaw regarding State Plenary Resolutions,
Nominations/Elections and Constitutional Streamlining; De-briefing from Joint Division meeting, Skyline Promise.
The Classified Senate provided the following report.
Classified Senate has been working with other Classified Staff in the district to organize and plan the District Wide Classified Senate retreat which will be held at the Thomas Fogerty Vineyards and Conference Center on Thursday, June 2. Initially Alana and Michele were spearheading the project and helped to organize the planning committee for the event. This has been a major project and while Michele Haggar was on maternity leave, Alana Utsumi continued to work with other staff members to put together what will be an amazing Professional Development day for our staff. As of now there are 75 people planning to attend across the district, which is almost double from attendance for this event in past years.
Classified Senate is also currently organizing Donation Baskets from our staff and recently sent out a request to have other departments and programs participate by donating a basket. As a way to create incentive to participate, Michele arranged with Kevin Chak, bookstore manager, to donate a continental breakfast for the winner of the “best gift basket”. The attendees of the event will decide the winner via cheer vote.
The Senate is also currently working with ACED to fill their requirements for their new committee members.
Code of ethics update- Skyline College Classified Staff have done a wonderful job in completing our part in the construction of final draft. It is now in the hands of Cañada College and CSM to evaluate, vote, and update (if need be) the current draft. The Senate is remaining in constant communication with other colleges to make sure they provide us with feedback and a draft in a timely manner. As of now, the Senate has asked them to set a deadline for a final draft and we are waiting to hear back from them.
The Associated Student Body of Skyline College provided the following report
S.O.C.C. held its most recent meetings on April 6th, and another on the 13th, where four funding requests were passed. These were for the Latino-American Student Organization (LASO), Student-Parent Association for Children’s Education (S.P.A.C.E.), the Surgical Technology Club, and the Dance Honors Society. The final S.O.C.C. meeting will be held next Wednesday, May 4th at 2:00 P.M., held in Building 6, Room 6-202.
Elections are underway, and a “Meet the Candidates” forum was held April 26th. The General Election will be held on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
Dennis Zheng has been appointed as the Student Trustees on the SMCCCD Board of Trustees for 16-17.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April 5 – SAAM Day of Action where ASSC kicked off the month where they tabled and gave out information flyers about sexual assault.
April 13- “Shine the Light” to end sexual violence where men take a stance to end violence against women. ASSC passed out flashlights, stickers, and informational flyers for female students and we had luminarias to light Skyline.
Escalation Workshop- ASSC got trained to facilitate Escalation workshops and will be facilitating a workshop on April 28th.
April 11th– Islam 101 included Arabic calligraphy, hijab wrapping demonstration with free scarves for students, trivia questions and free crispy Pakistani chicken and vegetable pakoras.
April 13th– Islamophobia Panel with guest panelists from the San Francisco Islamic School and the Council on American-Islamic Relations where students discussed misconceptions of the Islamic faith, stereotypes around terrorism, and were challenged to think critically of the media’s portrayal of Muslims. The events succeeded in breaking down the stereotypes surrounding around Islam and increase the visibility of Muslim-American students on campus.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
April 6th– Film Screening of Jose Antonio Vargas’ Documented
April 7th– College Lecture Series: Jose Antonio Vargas
April 18th– Famous musician Ben Ahn performed ukulele covers
April 19th– Asian Wellness Day featured musicians from Melody of China playing traditional Chinese music and tea tasting ceremony. Later Professor Wimmer facilitated a Singing Bowl Meditation Workshop.
April 26th– Tattoo Lecture Series featuring traditional Samoan tattoo artist, Seymour Kaniho and Skyline Tattoo Photo Exhibition by Skyline Photography Club.
May 2nd– Film screening of Kumu Hina, a famous Kumu (teacher) Hula who identifies as Mahu (half man and half woman).
May 9th– Faces of Asia and the Pacific Islander Bazaar. Free traditional food from Asian and Pacific Islander Countries, entertainment program, Cultural Regalia, and tabling from 20 community partners.
May 11th– AAPI Closing featuring Filipino-American, Playwright, and Performer, Aimee Suzara. Her mission is to create, and help others create, poetic and theatrical work about race, gender, and the body to provoke dialogue and social change.
Spring 2016: Institutional Effectiveness Framework of Indicators
Aaron McVean, Dean of PRIE, reported to the CGC regarding the Institutional Effectiveness Framework of Indicators (IEFI). In Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) reviewed the IEFI, including new metrics added by the State Chancellor’s Office. The IEC, a standing sub-committee of the Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC), recommended establishing goals for each of the required indicators. The SPARC committee reviewed approved the recommendation, forwarding its own recommendation to the CGC for a final recommendation to the President. Once the President approves the recommendations it will then be forwarded on to the Board for Trustees for adoption, as required by the legislation.
(M/C/U Michele Haggar/Stephen Fredericks–approved) Unanimously.
Baccalaureate Degree Update
Skyline College is 1 of 15 colleges selected to pilot the Baccalaureate Degree. Skyline College and Modesto Junior College offering the Respiratory Care Degree. These degrees are not offered at the 4-year levels. Previously known as Respiratory Therapy, the Respiratory Care program name is now aligned with national recognition for the program.
Fall 2016 start for Baccalaureate Degree – Skyline College has a tentative approval from ACCJC. We will have a site visit from ACCJC to confirm final approval for our degree. When ACCJC visits, we should be prepared to respond to our recommendations from 2013.
CCCCO put out the final handbook for the BA degrees across the California Community Colleges. Last week ACCJC put out their policies for the BA degrees. There are some differences between the two written documents.
Skyline team has provided a plan to address the differences and will have necessary adjustments in curriculum development. Dean Ray Hernandez, Dean Will Minnich, Dr. Luis Escobar, Dr. Ijaz Ahmed are leading the immediate working team for the adjustments needed.
Skyline Shines Award 2016-2017
Theresa Tentes reported that the month of May is when we nominate the Skyline Shines nominees. There is one nominee from the Community who can be a community member or a group/business and one nominee from Skyline College and that can be an individual or department/group. Anyone can make a nomination for one or both categories.
The nomination forms will be available in April and May with a deadline of Friday, May 13th for submission to the President’s Office. At the end of May the CGC reviews the nomination form and decides who the honorees will be for 2016. The honorees are announced at the Skyline College August Opening Day event.
Skyline Promise Scholarship
As part of the Skyline Promise, Skyline College is launching the Promise Scholarship to address the first year gaps in funding and support for students.
The Skyline Promise Scholarship is available online and will launch for Fall 2016.
- Recent High School graduate, GED completer, Adult Education completer
- Full-time Enrollment Fall 16 and Spring 17
- Financial Support for Fees
- Access to Textbook Lending Library
- Access to Computer/Tablet Lending Library
- Dedicated Counseling Faculty Member
Approximately 200-300 students will receive this level of financial support