The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Eloisa Briones, Kate Williams Browne, Nicole Harris, Sarah Perkins, Regina Stanback Stroud, Alana Utsumi, and Dennis Zheng.
Approval of Minutes
The February 25 and March 19, 2015 minutes were approved. (M/S/U Perkins/Briones) Unanimously.
Academic Senate Report
Academic Senate President Kate Williams Browne reported about the recent Academic Senate Plenary held April 9-11, 2015 in Burlingame.
Academic Senate for CA Community Colleges Spring Session 2015 – April 9-11, 2015
“Thriving Under Pressure” – Kate Williams Browne
Below please find the activities that align with the outcomes outlined below. We reported to Academic Senate 4/16, and to College Council 4/22.
Outcome | Action |
Achieve an understanding of the proposed new Discipline Areas | *Attended Discipline Hearings, discussed results with local Senate reps who also attended: SSCA Rep Tatiana Irwin [African-American Studies], BEPP Rep Shawna Whitney [Supply Chain Technology], and Professional Personnel Chair Zack Bruno & Secretary Leigh Anne Shaw [DSPS & LD]. |
Become more proficient in leadership at the local level. | *Met with Leadership Mentor John Freitas about my goals and upcoming attendance at June Academic Senate Leadership Conference.*Keynote Presentation on Why Race & Culture matters by Dr. Tyrone C. Howard [UCLA] |
Engage in issues of Curriculum and Faculty Professional Development | *Attended Breakout session on Bringing the entire institution together, regarding the ‘silo effect’ and how to overcome it*Attended Breakout session on shifting path of professional development
*Participated in a cross-college discussion with DAS President Diana Bennett, Skyline Secretary Leigh Anne Shaw, CSM President David Laderman and Canada President Doug Hirshey about planning an all-Senate study session/retreat with State Senate Executive Board member Kale Braden [Chair, Relations w/Local Senates Committee]. Purpose: to compare updated Local Senates Handbook with our organizations and consider review/revision of our local senates. |
Attain a better understanding of Chancellor’s Office and Legislative/Advocacy Issues | Attended Panel Discussion: the impact of the task force on workforce, job creation & a strong economy |
In addition, Kate reported that the following took place at recent Academic Senate meetings:
- President Stanback Stroud about current college issues including both construction and faculty hiring;
- PRIE Dean McVean and SPARC Co-chair Briones about District Strategic Plan and general Budget update;
- Distance Education Committee Chair Bridget Fischer & ASLT Dean Jonathan Paver about the DE Certification drafts, and an ad hoc group of Clair, Steele, & Whitney will work on issues/ideas of interest & report next meeting.
- The Academic Senate will be selecting Meyer Award winner, appointing a Commencement Faculty Marshall, and taking nominations for Officer Elections at our next meeting (May 7). The position of president is a two-year position held by Kate Williams Browne for 2014-2016. All remaining open positions include: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Curriculum Committee Chair, Educational Policy Chair, Professional Personnel Chair, and Research Chair.
- The Academic Senate will be participating in the End-of-Year celebration (May 15). President Browne will be attending the Scholarship Awards event (May 14) and both President Browne & Vice-President Fredricks will attend Commencement (May 29).
Classified Senate Report
The Skyline College Classified Senate has been working throughout this academic year to construct, edit, and finalize a district-wide Code of Ethics for Classified Staff. We are now about to embark on the final voting process with our last draft, revised after feedback was taken from each campus group. A majority vote will approve or disapprove, at which point we’ll move on to another edit, or move forward to bring it to administration at each campus.
- We are trying to begin a regular “volunteer day” for classified staff, where we would plan in advance to take part in a city clean-up project or the like on a weekend. We hope to have an online system in place that allows staff to take a poll on which dates work for them, then we would schedule the one date with the most votes. We hope to have at least one project each semester.
- Skyline College sent 15 staff members to the annual Classified Staff Retreat in Santa Rosa in April. They took part in the program entitled “Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace,” which focused on learning how to handle yourself, your emotions, and your working relationships to help improve and maintain professional interaction. Employees gained valuable insight not only into themselves and their communication, but also into interacting with co-workers, students, supervisors and friends.
- We were just notified that we have been awarded a “Model Senate of the Year” honor by the state organization, 4CS (California Community College Classified Senate,) which has over 100 schools in its membership. 4CS describes a model senate as one which:
- Is a participatory governance body elected by its constituents
- Operates professionally under bylaws and/or a constitution approved by its constituency
- Has a copy of their current bylaws/constitution on file with 4CS
- Is recognized by the college administration as a governance participant
- Has an up to date website
- Encourages a cooperative working and professional relationship with a collective bargaining agents (if one exists) and considers input or concerns of such groups
- Is organized to actively engaged in the shared governance process
- Communicates routinely with 4CS
We will be able to accept our award in person at the annual Classified Leadership Institute in June, at which we will have 5 staff members in attendance.
Associated Student Body of Skyline College Report
Dennis Zheng, Vice President of ASSC, reported on events that will be taking place for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in April and May.
Nicole Harris, President of ASSC, shared that it is election time for the ASSC. Candidates can pick up packets until next Tuesday, April 28 and they are due Wednesday, April 29. The elections will be held either the first or second week of May.
Skyline Shines Award
Regina Stanback Stroud reported that the month of May is when we nominate the Skyline Shines nominees. There is one nominee from the Community who can be a community member or a group/business and one nominee from Skyline College and that can be an individual or department/group. Anyone can make a nomination for one or both categories.
The nomination forms will be available in April and May with a deadline of Friday, May 15th for submission to the President’s Office. At the end of May the CGC reviews the nomination form and decides who the honorees will be for 2015. The honorees are announced at the Skyline College August Opening Day event.
Wednesday, May 27th from 12:45-1:15 was selected as the date and time when the CGC will meet to discuss the nominations.
SPARC Committee
Aaron McVean, Dean of PRIE, reported to the CGC regarding a recommendation from SPARC to the CGC. The SPARC committee last week unanimously recommended that the CGC approve the following two items: (a) adopt the Institutional Effectiveness Framework of indicators, and (b) establish the 70% course completion goal for Academic Year 2015/16, “Reaffirmed/ No Action” Accreditation Status, and the two goals set by the District for “Fund Balance” and Audit Findings.”
Approve the following two items: (a) adopt the Institutional Effectiveness Framework, and (b) establish the 70% course completion goal for Academic Year 2015/16
Adopt the Institutional Effectiveness framework (M/S/U Nicole Harris/Alana Utsumi) Unanimously
Establish IE Course Completion Benchmark at 70% (M/S/U Alana Utsumi/Sarah Perkins) Unanimously
Establish IE Accreditation Status Benchmark at Reaffirmation (M/S/U Kate Williams Browne/Eloisa Briones)
President Stanback Stroud announced to CGC that the Dean of GLPS, Richard Soyombo, passed away recently. He, indeed, was larger than life and had an impact around the world. We all will miss him dearly. She will be sharing information regarding services once she hears from the family.
Vice President of Instruction Dr. Perkins reported that Skyline College is on track to complete the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) to meet the state deadline for submitting degree materials well in advance of the deadline. Congratulations to the Faculty and Deans.
President of Classified Senate Alana Utsumi reminded the Council that Saturday, April 25th is the Relay for Life being held at Capuchino High School in San Bruno. PTK has a team named “Skyline Striders”.
Vice President of Administrative Services Eloisa Briones invited the Council to attend the second in a series of forums regarding Capital Improvement. The forum will be held Thursday, April 23 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. in room 4170.
Meeting Adjourned
(M/S/U Alana Utsumi/Kate Williams Browne) Unanimously
Article by Theresa Tentes