First Year Experience (FYE) is a learning community that was created to support first year students, many of whom are first-generation, from low-income backgrounds, or have other characteristics that create barriers towards achieving their academic and career goals. FYE strives to provide support, information, services, and access to resources in promoting student success and goal attainment.
Towards fulfilling this mission, and with support of the College Success Initiative (CSI), institutional funding, and the help of Kevin Chak in the Bookstore, the FYE program was able to purchase over thirty COUN 100 textbooks, as well as several copies of the Math 110/120 textbook. As a further support to Skyline’s existing book rental program, all FYE students are provided a COUN 100 textbook for use during the semester and can borrow a math textbook as needed. This service helps to reduce the financial burden associated with the cost of enrolling in a class. FYE faculty have been working on this project for the past year and a half, and are very excited to see it come to fruition.
Article by Arielle Smith