Flu Shots are available at the Health Center.
The best way to reduce your risk from seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated every year. Please visit the Health Center in Building 19, Room 110 for your flu shot.
Why should you get the flu shot?
Fewer sick days: It protects you against the flu and lessens the severity if you do catch it.
Saves you money: Avoid a flu-associated hospital or doctor visit.
Pregnancy protection: Flu shots protect the mother and baby several months after birth.
Helps with health issues: The chance of flu-related complications for those with cardiac conditions, diabetes, or chronic lung disease are lessened.
Protects those around you: Even if you don’t have symptoms, the virus can still be contagious.
Make an Appointment!
Email the provider working on the day you would like to receive a flu shot or call (650) 738 – 4270
MONDAY: 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. Susan Schor, NP (she/her) | schors@smccd.edu
TUESDAY: 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. Lia Tjandra, NP (she/her) | tjandrac@smccd.edu
WEDNESDAY: 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. Susan Schor, NP (she/her) | schors@smccd.edu
THURSDAY: 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. Emily Risk, RN, MSN (she/her) | riske@smccd.edu
FRIDAY: 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. Emily Risk, RN, MSN (she/her) | riske@smccd.edu