Skyline College began the Spring 2016 semester with a well-attended Flex Day on January 19, during which over 150 faculty, staff, and administrators engaged in a variety of activities throughout the day. The morning kicked off with the Skyline College Promise forum, which included speakers President Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Vice President of Instruction, Dr. Sarah Perkins, Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Angelica Garcia, and panel presenters from a number of programs and divisions. Following the forum and campus lunch, a wide range of workshops offered faculty and staff opportunities for professional growth in academic and student services areas, as well as information regarding college and district-wide policies and procedures.
Workshop presenters and presentations included:
- Eugene Whitlock, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources—“Title IX Training”
- Ricardo Flores, Instructional Technologist—“A Taste of Canvas LMS”
- Melissa Matthews, DRC Coordinator/Counselor—“Autism 101”
- Joaquin Rivera, Chemistry Professor/AFT Chief Negoiator; Kate Williams Browne, ECE Professor/Skyline College Academic Senate President; Joe Morello, Dean of Athletics, Kinesiology, and Dance—“Faculty Evaluations Training”
- Soledad McCarthy, Guardian Scholars Program Coordinator—“Keeping Foster Youth in the Convesation”
- Jessica Hurless, Communications Professor; Nina Floro, Professional Development Coordinator/English Professor—“Ready, Set, Go: Practical Strategies for Engaging Students”
- Tom Maloney, Public Safety Consultant; Jim Vangele, Chief Public Safety Officer—“Classroom & Campus Crisis Training”
A review of Flex Day workshop evaluations indicated a large majority of participants reporting that they “plan to implement some ideas and/or strategies from the workshop[s] very soon.” As part of its commitment to the Skyline College Promise, the CTTL will continue offering workshops to support faculty and staff in their efforts to increase student persistence in the first semester and beyond. For more more information about CTTL workshops, visit or the CTTL office in Bldg. 1, Rm. 1311E.
Article by Nina L. Floro | Photo by William Nacouzi