financial literacy workshopSkyline College hosted a professional development opportunity for staff and faculty in an effort to increase community-wide financial education.  Dr. Erin Yetter of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provided an engaging Financial Literacy Integration Curriculum Workshop for attendees which covered financial education topics of income, savings, credit, and budgeting.

Staff and faculty from across multiple Instructional and Student Service divisions were in attendance and had the opportunity to undergo the student experience with the curriculum modules. They engaged in discussions around application and relevance to their respective disciplines and students. They were also provided with a lesson workbook containing the curriculum covered, lesson plans, handouts, and class discussion questions.

The curriculum is available for any staff and faculty looking to incorporate financial education into the work they currently do with their students.  Modifications may be made to the curriculum, and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis requests that if modifications are made that the core content of the lesson still be addressed.  Curriculum content and modifiable lesson plans can be obtained by visiting https://www.stlouisfed.ord/education.

SparkPoint and the CTTL worked together with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to coordinate this professional development activity.  If you would like more information regarding this workshop or related content, please contact Chad Thompson, Interim Director of SparkPoint and Career Services, or Dr. Erin Yetter.

Article and Photo by Melanie Espinueva+Aure