This Monday, April 12 at 3 pm PT, student leaders from the two Filipinx American student organizations in the San Mateo Community College District will be presenting a workshop to the Learning Communities Association (LCA) to bring awareness to the violence against the Asian community nationwide. The Filipinx Student Union at Skyline College (FSU) will be presenting along with advisors Dr. Liza Erpelo and Jayde Nieve. Katipunan at College of San Mateo (KTP) will be presenting with their advisor, Doris Garcia.
The LCA is the national consortium of learning communities in colleges and universities, and this event is being hosted in conjunction with the Washington Center out of Evergreen College, considered by many to be the pioneering site for research and the advancement of learning communities. All are welcome to attend.
#StopAsianHate: Raise Awareness, Rise Up
In this workshop, we will provide a brief historical overview of the discrimination and racism endured by Asians in America since the mid-1800s. This will lead into our discussion of current events: the increase in anti-Asian violence in the United States. Our primary goal for this shared space is to look at the root causes of this problem, discuss how it has affected us and our communities, then identify ways to take action and stand in solidarity with our Asian brothers and sisters.
Presented by: Kababayan Learning Community at Skyline College (Dr. Liza Erpelo, Jayde Nieve, Caitlin Collantes, and Asa Mobley) and Katipunan at College of San Mateo (Doris Garcia, Angeli Ong, Tyler Castillo, and Monica Dollezon-Yu)
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This work began earlier this semester as students from both campuses began discussing the alarming increase in violence targeting the Asian community, which prompted the students to take action. On March 7, the FSU and KTP released a joint statement condemning anti-Asian violence across the nation. This statement, to be posted on Instagram in four parts, provides the historical context of racism against Asians in America, discusses current events, and looks at ways we can all help our Asian American community work towards change and healing.
On March 23, the FSU and KTP student leaders presented a workshop to the College of San Mateo titled “#StopAsianHate: Understanding What Is Currently Happening in the Asian Community and Calls to Solidarity and Action Forward.” The joint solidarity statement was used as the foundation for this workshop, and will be used to frame the upcoming workshop as well.
Below are some links to contextualize the work so far:
The Skyline View
- Article: KTP and FSU clubs speak out against Asian American Attack
- Podcast: Student unions stand against anti-Asian hate on YouTube and Spotify
Article by Liza Erpelo