On Friday, October 6, 2017 the Outreach Office at Skyline College held its fall High School Partners Breakfast.
The 35 attendees were comprised of high school principals, vice principals, counselors, transition specialists, social workers, district representatives, and parent liaisons. Additionally, 16 schools, four school districts, and three community organizations were represented.
The goal of this semester’s breakfast was to inform our high school partners of the campus redesign and how it might impact most of our students.
After a warm welcome by Will Minnich, Dean of Enrollment Services, the audience was greeted with a short video created by Jessica Hurless to explain the college redesign and the purpose behind Meta-Majors and guided pathways.
After the presentation, attendees were asked to voice their opinions regarding potential Meta-Major names through participating in a similar activity that faculty and staff were asked to participate in during a recent forum. Large post-its were posted around the Building 6 conference rooms for the high school partners to contribute to the list of potential Meta-Major names.
After the activity, attendees heard from a variety of campus partners as they provided insights as to programs and services available to incoming students. The Skyline College speakers who presented included: Michael Stokes, Summer Scholars Institute; Kim Davalos, Promise Scholars Program; Suzanne Poma, Counselor Liaison Program; Andrea Vizenor, Career Education; Martin Marquez, Concurrent Enrollment; Melissa Matthews, Disability Resource Center; and Wissem Bennani, International Student Programs.
Attendees were provided annual reports in order to review the amazing work that Skyline College has accomplished thus far, as well as posters with upcoming events geared towards high school students. With a 75% response rate, the final evaluation showed that 96% of respondents rated the overall event as Excellent or Good, with 85% ranking the event as “Excellent”. One respondent event made a note on the evaluation that they were “glad I could come I will be sending kids your way.”
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event a success including: Eric Imahara, Angelica Alvarez, Rex Chow, Sarina O’Gilvie, Jessica Hurless, and Lauren Ford. Additionally, many thanks are given to Vinesh “Vinny” Samujh and Christian Heredia from Facilities, Planning, and Operations, and Paul Johnson from Pacific Dining for your tremendous help and assistance.
The next High School Partner Breakfast will be held on Friday, February 9, 2018.
Article by Lauren Ford | Photo by Kevin Perez